Trinity Bible Church is fully committed to seeing the Gospel spread throughout the world. We financially and prayerfully support the following missionaries and organizations:

Gene & Jennifer Arnold serve with Moody Bible Aviation Institute’s mission aviation training program located in Spokane, WA. Gene serves as a flight training instructor and also teaches the Bible and missions. Graduates are ready to serve as aviators and missionaries spreading the good news of our Lord wherever He calls.

Sandy Eckelberry serves with World Ventures, training and building bridges of friendship for the gospel with immigrants and refugees living primarily in the USA, teaching them English online. Sandy also helps mobilize churches abroad through online courses.

Ed & Sheryl serve with a missionary organization in Madrid, Spain as global directors. They supervise 155 workers in Europe and all around the Mediterranean.

Ben & Aleyamma Joseph serve with Missions Door as Campus Ambassadors at Arizona State University. They work mostly with students who have come from India, welcoming them, leading Bible studies and helping them adjust to life in the USA.

Steve & Patty Robenalt serve with Compassion in Action families touched by HIV disease. They hold monthly dinners, devotional meetings, and lead a discipleship course encouraging individuals to a Biblical understanding and deeper relationship with Christ.

Ramon & Ana Rodrigues serve with Mission Door. Ramon is director of the Nogales Baptist Seminary, preparing pastors, church planters and missionaries. We also support the Nogales Baptist Seminary (SEBANO) Student Scholarship Fund, to equip students to serve as pastors, evangelists, missionaries and teachers.

Vince & Gail Trujillo served together with Mexican Medical Ministries until Vince passed away. Gail continues her involvement with the ministry.

Compassion International Leadership Development Program, offers pastoral training, mentoring and a university education to Christian leaders in their own

Phoenix Rescue Mission, is a place of hope, healing, and new beginnings for men, women, and children in our community struggling with homelessness, addiction, and trauma by providing Christ-centered, life-transforming solutions.

If you would like more information or would like to financially support any of our missionaries, please contact our church office.